<< Cozette McCreery >>

PJ: What’s your name?
CM: Cozette O’Malley McCreery if we are being very formal or I’m 8 and being told off.
PJ: Your birthday?
CM: January 13th.
PJ: What’s your star sign?
CM: Capricorn like Kate Moss, Elvis and Jesus.
PJ: Your blood type?
CM: Coffee and lager.
PJ: What type of men do you like?
CM: Fun, intelligent, inquisitive, bit geeky, don’t take themselves too seriously, passionate about something, workaholic, much younger than me, often are European and live in another country so I can visit and it always feels like a holiday romance.
PJ: What type don’t you like?
CM: Patronising, controlling, without a sense of humour, lazy, in my space too much and don’t understand my desire to go dancing and not act my age.
PJ: Who are your current lovers?
CM: The plural. Lol. Yeah. OK so you know me way too well. Erm. NEXT QUESTION!
PJ: What’s your favourite food?
CM: Mash potatoes or anything Italian.
PJ: What food don’t you like?
CM: Custard in all its forms: runny, set… bleurk.
PJ: What’s your favourite fashion?
CM: Tomboy but then a tomboy who sometimes wears a dress and heels.
PJ: What fashion don’t you like?
CM: Crocs. And BANG, there go my Balenciaga brownie-points.
PJ: What’s your hobby?
CM: DJing AKA pressing play on other people’s music, mouthing the words and dancing around in the booth.
PJ: What were you doing last Sunday?
CM: Pressing play at The Glory whilst direct messaging a friend, posting on Instagram, checking myself in on Facebook, chatting with the fabulous Portuguese family next to me, seeing friends and dancing. Multi-tasking.
PJ: When did you wake up this morning?
CM: 6.45am as I had reformer class at Moss Pilates.
PJ: Who’s your favourite fashion designer?
CM: Balenciaga. Am obsessed with Balenciaga SS18. Bar the aforementioned footwear.
PJ: Favourite lipstick?
CM: Post snog naturalness.
PJ: Foundation?
CM: Tinted moisturiser from bareMinerals sometimes Burberry Fresh Glow BB Cream which I brought because I binged watched Wendy Rowe on YouTube and she made me laugh and I liked her so I brought whatever she told me to.
PJ: Perfume?
CM: Casbah by Robert Piguet. Originally brought for me by my oldest friend because I forever drag him into churches to gawp at the interiors and ‘it smells like a church and reminds me of you’.
PJ: What colour hair do you wish you were born with?
CM: Pale pink so I bleach the hell out of it and stick Bleach or Fudge colour on it instead.
PJ: Are you a good cook?
CM: I can feed myself. I have an A in home economics and am a voracious reader of cookbooks but would rather go out to eat as can’t be arsed to cook.
PJ: What food do you cook best?
CM: DJ and icon Princess Julia and milliner Noel Stewart have made me rethink my eating of so much meat so I’m getting into this Middle Eastern vegetarian cook book from Phaidon by Salma Hage but, as I’m not that into cooking I don’t have a signature dish.
PJ: What do you wear when you sleep?
CM: Nada.
PJ: What did you eat when you woke up this morning?
CM: Thankfully I didn’t have a guest you saucy lot ha ha. I did have a chocolate brownie though. I ate that. Yeah for breakfast. It was the only thing in my fridge bar 4 cans of lager.
PJ: What’s your favourite word?
CM: Yes.
PJ: What words don’t you like?
CM: Nom, bae and delish. Listening to a Jamie Oliver show makes my toes curl.
PJ: What’s your favourite flower?
CM: Peonies.
PJ: Favourite colour?
CM: Shocking pink.
PJ: What’s your favourite season?
CM: Summer.
PJ: Where do you most want to go now?
CM: To the mountains in Italy and build a stone house from the remains of a sheep hut, dig a swimming pond filled with spring water and have James Long and Franco as my neighbours. Oh and a hot man and a Skidoo for the winter.
PJ: What’s your job?
CM: Fashion stuff, consulting, teaching branding, PR, marketing, knit and menswear as well as DJing and putting my oar in at LAYLOW a new members club in W10.
PJ: Do you like your work?
CM: I like creating but I also get a real pleasure out of introducing people to each other and watch them work together and blossom.
PJ: Do you like your job?
CM: Yeah pretty much.
PJ: Do you like your voice?
CM: I hear myself and think who is that with the posh school drone.
PJ: What is your dream of the future?
CM: To be happy and healthy and live to be over 100 out of a combination of happiness and stubbornness.
PJ: What’s the happiest thing about your life?
CM: To be surrounded by friends of all ages and talents makes me feel very hashtag-blessed.
PJ: How about the saddest?
CM: I’m very rarely sad, being sad in my mind would be pointless and exhausting. Many of my relatives and friends don’t have that ability so I know that I’m very lucky to be able to move on quickly from feeling sad.
PJ: What part of your self do you like best?
CM: I like my body. Its healthy and works well. If I had to think of a couple of things it would be being tall and having great tits.
PJ: What part of yourself don’t you like?
CM: Now I’m older nothing. As a teen, my footballer knees until I realised that no one thought that, only me.
PJ: What part of your personality do you like best?
CM: My optimism and I hope, my open mindedness.
PJ: What part of your personality don’t you like?
CM: That I get frustrated trying to do my absolute best and then I get pissed off. ‘Have you fallen out with your little self?’ my Papa would ask a pouty younger me. I can be way too hard on myself.
PJ: What is your habit?
CM: Binge watching BBC4 on iPlayer. I’m a succour for Waldemar Januszczak, Andrew Graham-Dixon, Lucy Worsley and Simon Sebag Montefiore or anything with subtitles, serial killers and dead bodies.
PJ: When was your first love?
CM: In hindsight, possibly 2 years ago.
PJ: What kind of guy was he?
CM: He covered everything noted in question 5 but with one crucial difference, physically he was very much not my ‘type’.
PJ: What type of guy’s your current lover?
CM: See question 5. Tick tick tick.
PJ: What do you expect from him?
CM: I don’t expect anything from the men I date bar him being happy, considerate and supportive of me and me being happy, considerate and support to him.
PJ: What did you dream last night?
CM: Something with a Beth Ditto soundtrack as I’d just seen her and she was fucking amazing!
PJ: Do you believe in dreams?
CM: I’d get show stress dreams about 3 weeks before each catwalk show. I’d wake up only remembering some feeling of dread at about 4am. Unable to go back to sleep I’d run a bath and think about the show music. Happened every season and every season I’d love the music. I don’t believe in them as such you know in that ‘what does a dog mean, oh look I’m flying and my teeth are falling out’ but I do think that they are your brain’s way of working through things.
PJ: Do you believe in jinxes?
CM: Nah or rather not beyond the playground where we’d shout jinx and pax at each other during some version of a chasing game.
PJ: Do you believe in magic?
CM: I believe that those songs by Olivia Newton John and Donna Summer are great.
PJ: Do you believe in god?
CM: Nope. But as a child I was a fan of either Baby or Crucified Jesus.