

<< Katrine Sørensen >>

PJ: What’s your name?
KS: Katrine Nyland Sorensen

PJ: Your birthday?
KS: February 9 th

PJ: What’s your star sign?
KS: Aquarius

PJ: Your blood type?
KS: Red

PJ: What type of men do you like?
KS: Probably a ‘Bryan Ferry Roxy Music post-Eno heyday’ kind of type.

PJ: Who are your current lovers?
KS: My partner

PJ: What’s your favourite food?
KS: As a foodie, it's impossible to give a short answer

PJ: What’s your favourite fashion?
KS: Simple, elegant, classic and tailored.

PJ: What fashion don’t you like?
KS: Fast fashion

PJ: What’s your hobby?
KS: Listening to all kinds of music, reading all kinds of books – and gardening!

PJ: What were you doing last Sunday?
KS: Eating! Easter is the perfect time for long lunches

PJ: When did you wake up this morning?
KS: 6:00 AM

PJ: Who’s your favourite fashion designer?
KS: I’ve had many different ‘designer crushes’ through the years.

PJ: Favourite lipstick?
KS: As neutral as possible

PJ: Foundation?
KS: Westman Atelier

PJ: Perfume?
KS: Chanel Édimbourg

PJ: Are you a good cook?
KS: Yes

PJ: What food do you cook best?
KS: Slow-cooked stews and quick casseroles

PJ: What do you wear when you sleep?
KS: Chanel No. 5

PJ: What did you eat when you woke up this morning?
KS: Leftovers from last night

PJ: What’s your favourite word?
KS: Yes

PJ: What words don’t you like?
KS: No

PJ: What’s your favourite flower?
KS: Amaryllis

PJ: Favourite colour?
KS: Green

PJ: What’s your favourite season(s)?
KS: Spring and Autumn

PJ: Where do you most want to go now?
KS: On holiday

PJ: What’s your job?
KS: Broadcaster, podcaster, presenter; all things with words and sounds.

PJ: Do you like your work?
KS: Yes

PJ: Do you like your job?
KS: Yes

PJ: Do you like your voice?
KS: Yes, I've gotten used to it over time.

PJ: What is your dream of the future?
KS: To live as long as possible with all my loved ones

PJ: What’s the happiest thing about your life?
KS: My children

PJ: How about the saddest?
KS: The state of the world right now

PJ: What part of yourself do you like best?
KS: My eyes

PJ: What part of yourself don’t you like?
KS: My teeth

PJ: What part of your personality do you like best?
KS: My ability to see the amusing or absurd aspects of life. Humour can lead you through even the most trying of times.

PJ: What part of your personality don’t you like?
KS: My stubbornness.

PJ: What is your habit?
KS: Looking things up in encyclopedias, dictionaries and Wikipedia

PJ: When was your first love?
KS: I was about eight

PJ: What kind of person was this?
KS: He was queuing at the local shop and was seriously good-looking. How easy it is to fall in love when you're very young!

PJ: What did you dream last night?
KS: That I was appointed CEO of a sports venue in a Danish provincial town.

PJ: Do you believe in dreams?
KS: Yes

PJ: Do you believe in jinxes?
KS: No

PJ: Do you believe in magic?
KS: Yes

PJ: Do you believe in god?
KS: Yes