<< Sofie Gråbøl >>

PJ: What’s your name?
SG: Sofie Gråbøl
PJ: Your birthday?
SG: July 30th
PJ: What’s your star sign?
SG: Leo.
PJ: Your blood type?
SG: Thin and nervous.
PJ: What type of men do you like?
SG: The intelligent and humorous. Not too harmonic.
PJ: What type don’t you like?
SG: The unempathetic and arrogant.
PJ: Who are your current lovers?
SG: There’s no ”s”.
PJ: What’s your favourite food?
SG: Now there should be an ”s”! I have so many. I love lamb, in every way. And cod. Italian, Indian, Vietnamese food I never tire of. I eat kale salad every day. But I wouldn’t call it my favourite.
PJ: What food don’t you like?
SG: Very boiled vegetables. Like the ones in my childhood in the seventies. And roast pork.
PJ: What’s your favourite fashion?
SG: Simple, practical, elegant.
PJ: What fashion don’t you like?
SG: Posh.
PJ: What’s your hobby?
SG: Was always embarrassed not to have a hobby. Have an addiction to the game Word Feud, but I’m afraid that doesn’t count. I feel very fullfilled with work and kids. No wish to load on more at the moment.
PJ: What were you doing last Sunday?
SG: Had the whole family over for the big traditional Easter lunch. smørrebrød, herring and snaps. I always prepare eggs for everyone to sit and paint together; it has proved a brilliant way to avoid arguments and break downs; sheer bliss!
PJ: When did you wake up this morning?
SG: 6.20
PJ: Who’s your favourite designer?
SG: What kind of question is that? Peter Jensen of course!
PJ: Favourite lipstick?
SG: I'm not good with lipstick. I like the result best when I put it on and take it of. The remains of my very red Chanel is nice.
PJ: Foundation?
SG: Ellis Faas concealer and Jane Iredale mineral powder.
PJ: Perfume?
SG: La Prairie Body Spray.
PJ: What colour hair do you wish you were born with?
SG: Just very happy to have hair! Colour not important. It changes often in my line of work anyway.
PJ: Are you a good cook?
SG: No.
PJ: What food do you cook best?
SG: Desserts. Am good at desserts.
PJ: What do you wear when you sleep?
SG: A t-shirt.
PJ: What did you eat when you woke up this morning?
SG: Every morning: Toasted rye bread. A medium boiled egg. A shot glass of Udos Choice oil. A few apricot kernels. And black tea with milk.
PJ: What’s your favourite word?
SG: Am constantly discovering fantastic English words, a few days ago I learned ”concomitant”, a lovely word, sound like a rhythm. In Danish, so many. Hengivenhed.
PJ: What words don’t you like?
SG: I like words.
PJ: What’s your favourite flower?
SG: Tulip. And freesia.
PJ: Favourite colour?
SG: Impossible. They come and go and come back. But calm dark blue is a stayer.
PJ: What’s your favourite season?
SG: Autumn.
PJ: Where do you most want to go now?
SG: To London.
PJ: What’s your job?
SG: Acting.
PJ: Do you like your work?
SG: I rarely watch my work, I move on.
PJ: Do you like your job?
SG: I love it. Keeps me forever wondering, struggling, curious.
PJ: Do you like your voice?
SG: Wish it could sing.
PJ: What is your dream of the future?
SG: Growing old.
PJ: What’s the happiest thing about your life?
SG: My children.
PJ: How about the saddest?
SG: Cancer.
PJ: What part of yourself do you like best?
SG: My eyes.
PJ: What part of yourself don’t you like?
SG: The bags under them.
PJ: What part of your personality do you like best?
SG: Loyalty and commitment.
PJ: What part of your personality don’t you like?
SG: Stupid pride and self loathing.
PJ: What is your habit?
SG: Nicotine gum.
PJ: When was your first love?
SG: 13.
PJ: What kind of guy was he?
SG: Pretty sweet and easy going.
PJ: What type of guy’s your current lover?
SG: Not here, Peter.
PJ: What do you expect from him?
SG: Everything and nothing.
PJ: What did you dream last night?
SG: Can’t remember.
PJ: Do you believe in dreams?
SG: Yes. Have written them down in particular lost periods of my life. Helped me get a clue of where I was.
PJ: Do you believe in jinxes?
SG: I don’t relate to jinxes.
PJ: Do you believe in magic?
SG: Yes.
PJ: Do you believe in God?
SG: Yes.