<< Mitchell Anderson >>

PJ: What’s your name?
MA: Mitchell Anderson
PJ: Your birthday?
MA: August 21, 1961
PJ: What’s your star sign?
PJ: Your blood type?
PJ: What type of men do you like?
MA: Talented
PJ: What type don’t you like?
MA: D-Bags
PJ: Who are your current lovers?
MA: Richie Arpino –My husband
PJ: What’s your favourite food?
MA: MetroFresh Soup
PJ: What food don’t you like?
MA: Organs like liver and brain
PJ: What’s your favourite fashion?
MA: Nice Casual
PJ: What fashion don’t you like?
MA: Country Club
PJ: What’s your hobby?
MA: Reading
PJ: What were you doing last Sunday?
MA: Working at my restaurant flipping eggs
PJ: When did you wake up this morning?
MA: 6:30am
PJ: Who’s your favourite fashion designer?
MA: Tom Ford
PJ: Favourite lipstick?
PJ: Foundation?
PJ: Perfume?
MA: Hermes
PJ: What colour hair do you wish you were born with?
MA: I was born with blonde hair so I’m good!
PJ: Are you a good cook?
MA: Yes – it’s my living
PJ: What food do you cook best?
MA: Salads
PJ: What do you wear when you sleep?
PJ: What did you eat when you woke up this morning?
MA: Oatmeal with Fruit and Grapenuts
PJ: What’s your favourite word?
MA: “Correct”
PJ: What words don’t you like?
MA: Moist
PJ: What’s your favourite flower?
MA: Daffodil
PJ: Favourite colour?
MA: Green
PJ: What’s your favourite season?
MA: Spring
PJ: Where do you most want to go now?
MA: Antarctica
PJ: What’s your job?
MA: Chef/Owner MetroFresh
PJ: Do you like your work?
MA: Yes
PJ: Do you like your job?
MA: Yes
PJ: Do you like your voice?
MA: Yes
PJ: What is your dream of the future?
MA: To write and travel
PJ: What’s the happiest thing about your life?
MA: My family
PJ: How about the saddest?
MA: My parents are gone
PJ: What part of your self do you like best?
MA: My calves
PJ: What part of your self don’t you like?
MA: My toes
PJ: What part of your personality do you like best?
MA: Generosity
PJ: What part of your personality don’t you like?
MA: Talking to myself
PJ: What is your habit?
MA: Talking to myself!
PJ: When was your first love?
MA: 5th grade
PJ: What kind of person was this?
MA: Athletic
PJ: What type of person is your current lover?
MA: Lover of life
PJ: What do you expect from them?
MA: Companionship
PJ: What did you dream last night?
MA: About my diseased college friend being pregnant
PJ: Do you believe in dreams?
MA: Of the future – yes.
PJ: Do you believe in jinxes?
MA: No
PJ: Do you believe in magic?
MA: No
PJ: Do you believe in god?
MA: I believe in spirit – God seems too divisive